Monday, July 12, 2010

Strategic Realignment

Strategic realignment refers to the act of assessing your current financial situation, evaluating current and potential sources of profits and losses (assets, debt, etc.), designing the best course of action to obtain your desired financial outcomes; and then aligning your research, plan, resources, skills, relationships, technology and actions with appropriate opportunities in order to transcend your current financial situation.

As the smoke clears and the dust begins to settle from the explosive devastation caused by the recession, people find themselves lost and confused as they sift through the debris that once made up their personal wealth – savings, home equity, retirement account, etc. As personal financial losses continue to mount while concurrently income, savings and financial resources continue to be depleted, the average American desperately struggles to find hope for their future.

The personal wealth development strategies employed in the past by the average American, shaped as much by core beliefs and values as they were on poor information and assumptions, has led most to follow an antiquated and dysfunctional plan of personal wealth development or retirement. Unfortunately, doing a lot of the wrong thing right has led to record losses of personal wealth at record speed. The time between emerging economic events and the consequences flowing from such events is forever decreasing and your ability to strategically respond to changing conditions will be largely determined by your ability to challenge well entrenched values, beliefs and “business as usual;” and your ability to grant yourself permission to think strategically.

Strategic Realignment requires you to reevaluate how you are allocating every penny. Where you can cut costs, defer payments, renegotiate price or terms, or simply eliminate the expense (including by use of strategic default) it is important to do so in order to free up money for realignment into new investments that create positive returns. This takes bold action because it defies conventional wisdom.

More than just strategic planning, strategic realignment is setting a course of effective, efficient and fluid action in motion by creating congruency between opportunities, skills, time, money and resources.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Secrts to Creating Wealth In The New Economy

I know our economy looks bleak and the media portrays a dismal outlook for the near future, however the truth is we are at the dawn of a new era in which wealth will be created at lightning speed. The industrial age is officially over and all of the old techniques for making money that came from it are obsolete.

We have entered the Age of Innovation and with the innovations in communications, transportation and the internet a whole new global marketplace has opened up. Individuals now have access, in an instant, to suppliers, new markets and information that was in the past held exclusively by huge corporations that had big budgets, huge staff and mega resources.

You can take advantage of this new economy by using revolutionary techniques for acquiring real estate, opening a business or investing in securities and you can profit beyond your wildest dreams.
Click the link below for a free report giving you access to information that has been closely guarded by those "in-the-know" investors and entrepreneurs that meet in closed circles.


I must warn you, to take advantage of these new opportunities requires a new way of looking at things, a fresh set of skills and some good old fashion roll up your sleeves hard work. What I reveal won't come easy, but it is laying the foundation for getting and staying rich forever.

Want more?

I will reveal in a FREE, two hour workshop, all new information about the economy that will not only save you from losing everything you've ever accumulated (retirement fund, bank savings, home equity, etc.), but also show you a way to position yourself in the new economy to create wealth faster, easier and with less risk than you ever thought imaginable

If you’re ready to change your thinking and take action immediately, then call 718-622-2271 or email right now to register for one of the upcoming free workshops at 216 Green Ave. in Brooklyn. The workshop dates to choose from are Wed. 3/24 at 7pm, Sat. 3/27 at 1pm, Wed. 3/31 at 7pm or. Sat. 4/3 at 1pm.

I look forward to sharing with you.

Heru Ur Nekhet
Taking Ordinary People from Rags to Riches


Monday, November 23, 2009

Reality Based Thinking

Reality TV seems to be by far the hottest thing on the tube right now. It amazes me that people watch so much reality TV, yet they don’t face reality in their own lives. You see, in “reality” there are two ways of viewing life that ultimately dictate how you choose to live. They are two dichotomous world perspectives. These two worlds are – the world of “Should Be” and the world of “As Is.” The sooner you get out of the world of “Should Be” and enter the world of “As Is”, the faster you will succeed in life.

There is a very common school of thought that suggests that a perfect balance of fairness and equality should exist amongst all people - there “should be” no racism, no sexism, no classism, no poor, no exceedingly rich, no this, no that, and SOMEBODY should Change the way things are so everyone has a chance to be equal because that would be fair. In a perfect world, all of that might be true, but… that is not REALITY.

The world of “As Is” puts the truth straight in your face and forces you to deal with it as it is. Once you deal with the world of "As Is", you make no more excuses for not being successful no matter what you are starting with or what obstacles are presented to you. You become solution oriented and no longer use HOPE as a strategy (Hoping things will change and be equal is a poor strategy. You accept the real world and navigate your way through the tough challenges of life. You will succeed or you won’t and no one will care except you… that’s the world of As Is.

The world of "As Is" says that even though the playing field is not level and there are many obstacles in front of me, I have the power to overcome them or to succumb to them, but either way it’s MY CHOICE.

Below are two examples to dramatically illustrate how crazy it is when you are stuck in the world of "should be" and how simple life can be when you enter the world of "as is."

Person #1 walks into a room with the intent to come out on the other side but soon realizes that there is no door to exit. He says to himself, “hmmm! There should be a door here,” and proceeds to walk into the wall. He backs up and gets angry and says again, “there should be a door here.” He continues bumping into the wall over and over until he finally gives up hope and sits down and progresses no further thinking to himself that life is not fair because there should be a door here.

Person #2 walks into the same room with the intention of coming out on the other side and also sees that there is no exit straight through. The thought does cross her mind that there should be a door there, but she does not hesitate or dwell on that thought. She simply walks back out the door having learned a valuable lesson, and then walks through the adjoining hallway that she discovered being solution oriented and passes by that room on to her desired destination.

Which world are you living in?

Monday, October 12, 2009

One Entrepreneur Mom’s Secret to Beating the Recession

"From a technical perspective, the recession is very likely over at this point," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a conference at the Brookings Institution in mid September. He went on however, to caution, “that many people will still find that their job security and their employment status is not what they wish it was." The harsh reality is that the worst recession since 1931 may be over from a “technical perspective” but the affects of the recession on the job market will be impacting and long lasting. As companies struggle to keep their doors open by cutting their greatest expense, labor, unemployment has risen to a 26 year high of 9.8%, and according to the latest Federal Reserve outlook, unemployment rates are expected to remain high for five or six years. As gloomy as this outlook seems, it does not mean that ample opportunity does not exist to make more money than ever before in an economy where there are currently six times as many people seeking work as there are job offers. One Brooklyn Mom has found a way to thrive during the recession without waiting on a bailout or for the economy to change.

Nefer Bernard seems like a typical mother of three when you see her at a PTA meeting or at one of her children’s sporting events, but what you don’t see is the mastermind behind a thriving business that has not only survived during the recession but has seen a huge boom in business despite the poor economy. Nefer, as she is known by her clients, is the founder and lead stylist of Sheny Nefer Natural Hair Care, Inc. in Brooklyn, a local leader in the natural hair care industry that has been featured in national magazines as well as at hair shows in the International African Arts Festival, Intertwined VI and shows in Philadelphia and Atlanta. Nefer has a unique business model that has all of the ingredients for success. She says her formula for success is “simple and can be used by anyone.” Her formula can be summed up as: tap into a growing niche market where there is little competition, learn from and maintain relationships with mentors, and keep your start up and operating costs to a bare minimum.

Nefer didn’t come upon this winning model right away. Nefer said she tried other businesses that just didn’t work out; a day care center, custom made, African centered, designer baby bedding, and a slew of multilevel marketing ventures. Having locked hair herself, Nefer said she always had an interest in natural hair and saw a growing trend in working women locking their hair and wearing natural styles. Nefer decided to go about this new business venture differently. She knew that in order to be successful she had to develop not only her hair care skills, but her business skills as well. Nefer said she, “became an apprentice with a well established stylist, and later became a hair model for a pioneer in the industry that was happy to share her experience in hair care and business with me.” Nefer still maintains her relationship with her mentor and they meet regularly to keep up on the latest trends in the industry. Most new business owners miss this critical step and flounder around making costly mistakes that could easily be avoided if they attach themselves to a mentor.

When doing research on recession resistant businesses I discovered that most experts believe that service-oriented businesses including plumbers, electricians, auto repair, carpet cleaners, handymen, and computer repair technicians tend to thrive in rocky economic times because people spend money on maintaining and repairing what they have as opposed to buying new items. So, I asked Nefer why she believes a salon that specializes in locking hair and other natural styles does so well. Nefer attributes the steady increase in clients to two reasons. She said her clients that still have a job have told her that their “appearance and presenting a good image is more important than ever.” Her clients feel that it gives them a slight edge in keeping their job to look well groomed with a professional appearance. Also, looking good helps them feel better during this stressful time in our economy.

When Nefer started her business she didn’t choose a traditional storefront, but instead took advantage of a situation that most people would be stressed about. When the tenant from the rental unit in her own house moved out, rather than find a new tenant, she set up her shop in the vacant apartment. Nefer said this served many useful purposes. First, as a mother, it gave her the ability to better “monitor the children, help them out with homework, and make sure they have a nutritious meal to eat.” She said, “I didn’t want someone else raising my children while I worked.” Second, it kept her costs down significantly. Nefer didn’t have to save up for a huge deposit and sign a long term lease with a landlord that she didn’t know. “Why pay someone else when you can contribute to your own household?” Nefer concluded. She saved thousands of dollars on start up and operating costs by running the business from home.

How does Nefer’s formula for success overcome the common adage that says the location you choose should get maximum exposure to walk by traffic? Nefer has built her business around exclusivity. She completely avoids walk in service and only schedules clients by appointment. She has set up a cozy, social atmosphere, where her clients interact and engage in great conversation. She even has theme nights and some clients only schedule appointments on those days. Her clients enjoy the exclusivity of being a Sheny Nefer client and have become advocates for her business. Referrals are the lifeblood of her business and she has capitalized on that by setting up a referral reward system to encourage her clients to keep sending new clients. Business is going so well that, in addition to the current stylist she now employs, she is looking to expand and bring in one or two additional stylists to keep up with the increase in demand.

Starting your own business certainly is not a simple task to accomplish. However, neither is getting up to go to work and having other people dictate your agenda, your meal breaks, what time you'll go home, and then leaving feeling under-appreciated and realizing you might lose your job at anytime. With no end in sight to the steady stream of people losing their jobs, now could be the perfect time for you to weigh your options, start doing research, and make a new and better future for yourself. Take advantage of the new opportunities that this new economy offers. For help getting started you can go to your local Chamber of Commerce, The Small Business Administration or your local library.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Secret to Success Is No Real Secret

Let me first say that I enjoyed and appreciated reading Napoleon Hill’s classic wealthy mindset book, Think and Grow Rich. I can also say it was a brilliant strategy to take the principles of that book and put them in a modern medium (video) and create the “Secret,” another best seller and soon to be classic. They were both inspirational and chock full of exercises geared towards aligning your mind towards attracting wealth. I recommend anyone considering getting rich should own a copy of each. As a matter of fact, when surveyed, many self made millionaires said that “Think and Grow Rich” influenced them more than any other book except the Bible. That is pretty powerful.

As powerful as aligning your mind towards money is, it is NOT enough. Ultimately, only one thing will get you what you want – the one thing Napoleon Hill left out of the book and the “Secret” never addressed. That one thing is no real mystery – it’s DECISIVE ACTION.

“Rules such as ‘if I hold positive thoughts about prosperity, money will just start pouring into my life’ are just too simplistic to work… money exists in the physical domain. Money doesn’t come as the result of thoughts in the metaphysical realm; it comes as the result of actions in the physical domain." -Maria Nemeth, PhD; author of "The Energy of Money"

The bottom line is you can think about money, talk about it, write about it in your journal, list it with your things to do, hang it on the refrigerator in the form of an affirmation, and tell as many people that will bother to listen to you about your dreams, but none of that will make you successful unless you take decisive action. “Action speaks louder than words!”

Every day you must take focused and specific action towards your desired outcomes. If your thoughts and words are not congruent with your actions towards attaining wealth, then wealth will never be achieved. Once you align your thoughts, feelings and actions towards attaining wealth, it will come easy and continue to come for as long as you remain consistent.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Real Estate Investing In The New Economy

Whether you are a seasoned real estate investor or simply want to try your hand at it for the first time, you have an opportunity to take advantage of and create huge profits from the real estate bust as desperate property owners of top quality, pristine real estate compete to sell their properties against the glut of properties in various stages of foreclosures that are driving down the housing prices. With property sales steadily declining, and as banks continue to make it difficult for potential buyers to borrow for a mortgage, property owners seeking to sell their properties are ripe for making a deal in which you can negotiate favorable terms on a lease option deal.

What exactly is a lease option? A lease option (also known as a lease with an option to buy, lease-to-own and rent-to-own) is a lease combined with an option to purchase the property within a specified period, usually 3 years or less, at an agreed-upon price. The buyer pays a non-refundable upfront option fee, usually 1% to 5% of the price (this negotiable in today’s market and can be even less), which is credited against the purchase price. The buyer pays rent, and an additional amount of money (also negotiable) that is also credited to the purchase price. At the end of the option period, the buyer has the right to buy at the predetermined price. If the purchase option is not exercised, the buyer loses both the option fee and the additional premium.

The lease option offers property ownership opportunities to any interested buyer even if they’ve experienced a bankruptcy, foreclosure, divorce, have bad credit, no job history and have little or no money. During the option period, they have the opportunity to rebuild their credit and accumulate equity while creating income from the property. Some additional benefits include: equity accumulates much faster (five times or more) than with conventional financing through a bank or lender because of the way a traditional loan is amortized; option money and monthly payment are working towards the purchase (like buying a property on layaway); minimum cash out of pocket to take control of the property; increased buying power; no taxes and less liability; minimal maintenance; and privacy since your name will not be on the deed or in the public records until you exercise your option to buy.

Even though it seems costly, the right to not exercise the option is of value to buyers as well. It gives you the right to test drive a property without the commitment and cost of a traditional purchase. If there is something seriously wrong with the house, neighborhood, or neighbors, the money left behind on a lease option is much smaller than the cost of an outright purchase followed by a sale.

Although lease options can be used in any market, right now is a particularly good time to use this strategy. According to the Association of Progressive Rental Organizations, the rental industry’s trade association, the lease option business generates $4.4 billion in revenues for the industry, and serves nearly three million customers. It shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, all indications point to increased revenues for years to come.

Steps to a Successful Lease Option Deal

Step 1 - After assessing your available resources (available cash, credit, etc.), and regional trends (potential growth areas), choose a geographic location to specialize in.
Step 2 – Locate leads (For sale by owner is best) and qualify them by analyzing the numbers. It’s all about profit potential.
Step 3 – negotiate with the seller to determine the purchase price. You must delineate all terms of the purchase at the time you make the lease-option agreement. If property prices go down, you will have to choose between buying the property at the originally agreed-upon higher price and losing the option money.
Step 4 - Agree on the term of the lease. This will be the maximum length of time you want the opportunity to exercise your option to buy. You may be asked to put up option money - typically 1% to 5% of the purchase price paid to the seller - for the privilege of having the option to buy.
Step 5 - Determine how much you will pay for your monthly rent. (This is the amount a person would pay to simply rent the property.) Then add $250 to $1,000 per month to be applied toward the future down payment of the property. (This is not a requirement, but it helps you accumulate money for a down payment.) All option and additional rent monies paid to the seller are nonrefundable if you do not exercise the option to buy.
Step 6 - Agree upon terms regarding the exercise of the option, such as the escrow period and financing.
Step 7 - Determine who will pay for inspections, work and warranties when the time comes to complete the purchase.
Step 8 – Have your attorney review the lease-option contract.
Step 9 - Handle the transaction as a lease until you are ready to exercise the option.
Step 10 – Generate income from the property (by subletting, vacation rentals, government programs, etc.) to cover your costs.
Step 11- Exercise the option in writing.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Success Secrets of a Financial Champion

Success doesn’t happen by accident whether it is on the athletic field or in the financial arena. Although life may seem unfair, we all have the ability to maximize our talents, tools and resources to create the greatest financial outcome for ourselves possible. Some people seem to make it look easy; gliding through life with one financial success after another while others constantly struggle, rarely accomplishing the smallest financial goal. Having a long history of athletic success in track, football and martial arts as well as financial success in business and investing, I have been able to identify four distinct personality types that are consistent with the amount of success that people achieve. I don’t believe that you are stuck in any type. I believe with knowledge, skills and effort you can ascend to the highest level of success. The four types are Losers, Players, Winners, and Champions. I have described them below:


Don’t realize that they can determine the outcome of the game. They have no clue as to what the rules are. They just go with the flow and unhappily accept whatever happens. They often complain about the game being unfair, and make excuses why they can’t win. They don’t even bother trying to compete since they believe they are doomed from the start.


Realize that they are in the game, but lack sufficient knowledge of the rules and skills to win. They want to win, but rarely do consistently. They fail to study the game or their competition and put little effort into perfecting their skills. They rarely seek to compete in tough arenas that bring greater rewards because they fear losing. They would rather accept a small victory than to take a chance and lose a big game.


Try harder than the others to win. They put in an enormous amount of personal effort to win. They try to understand and master every aspect of the game. They take personal responsibility for their wins and losses. They win more often than they lose, but are always one step short of being a champion.


They make the game look easy. They win consistently. Even when they lose, they bounce right back seemingly stronger than before. The champion plays to his/her strengths and supplements his/her weaknesses with the resources available to everyone (i.e a great coach, great teammates, and great fans). They understand how to maximize their talent, skills and resources by having a mentor (coach) that can help guide them and develop their skills, a team that compliments their skills (no one can do it alone), and the support of fans (family, friends, etc.)

Everyone has the same opportunity to succeed financially, but you must first learn the rules of the game. I have briefly outlined the basic rules below:

Rule #1 - You must realize that you are only limited by your own beliefs.

If you do not believe that you are capable of the highest levels of success, it is impossible to make it happen. You cannot accomplish what you do not believe is accomplishable.

Rule#2 - You must commit 100% to victory.

The commitment to victory starts long before the actual competition. Alabama football coach Bear Bryant once said, “The will to win compares little to the will to prepare to win.” Your commitment has to be stronger than the pain, discomfort, fear and anxiety you will inevitably feel when it is time to play the game.

Rule#3 - You must have a powerful strategy.

It takes more than just desire and skills to win. It takes a well thought out plan based upon thorough research of the arena that you are in, your competition, your strengths, weaknesses and the likelihood of success.

Rule#4 - You must recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

Make an honest assessment, without judgment, of your strengths and weaknesses. No one is strong in every area. The quicker you can identify what you are working with, the quicker you can ensure a course for victory.

Rule#5 - You must supplement your weaknesses with the strengths of others.

Play to your strengths and supplement your weaknesses. Having a solid team that compliments each other’s skill sets is critical to your success. You do not need a group of people with the same skills that duplicate efforts. Find teammates with different skills but with a common goal.